Russian S-300V4 Air Defense Missile Sets World Record for Longest Interception Range

Russian S-300V4 missile system neutralized both Ukrainian Su-27 and MiG-29 aircraft at extreme ranges of 217km, surpassing the 150km range kill previously recorded by a Russian S-400 system against a Ukrainian Su-27 over Kyiv in March.

Russian S-300V4 air defense missile sets world record for longest interception

According to the information disclosed by the US “Military Watch magazine” website, The Ukrainian Air Force recently carried out a cross-border fighter jet air strike mission with Ukrainian Air force Su-27 and Su-24 fighter jets to raid the Belgorod region of Russia. The Su-27 and Su-24 fighters are both Soviet-era platforms. The Su-27 is the “classic” of the Sukhoi Design Bureau. Currently, Russia is building the ultimate upgraded version of the Su-27 fighter, the famous Su-35 fighter.

Russia began to use a large number of cruise missiles and drones on October 10 and launched air strikes in many areas of Ukraine. In the face of Russia’s large-scale air strikes, the Ukrainian Air Force began to counterattack, which led to the use of fighter jets to enter Belgorod. Russia has already deployed an air defense system in the Belgorod region, using the highly technical S-300V4 air defense missile, which is said to be a model with performance very close to the S-400 air defense system. Russia is equipped with a large number of S-300 series air defense systems. After Ukrainian fighter jets crossed the border into Russia, the S-300V4 air defense missile created a world record for the longest interception.

Russian S-300V4 air defense missile sets world record for longest interception

In response to air strikes by Ukrainian Air Force fighters on targets in Russia’s Belgorod region, air defense systems deployed to defend the area have reportedly broken a world record for the longest ranged surface-to-air kills. A Ukrainian Su-27 and Su-24 aircraft, which are thought to be some of the last of these relatively scarce and heavyweight classes operational after over six months of ωɑɾ, were responsible for the strikes on Russian targets and benefit from significantly longer ranges and higher ωεɑρσռs payloads than Ukraine’s drones and more widely used lighter MiG-29 fighters. Both moved in at very low altitudes, rising to fire rocket pods and again descending as part of a flight pattern referred to locally as “jumping,” before being fired on by Russian surface to air missile batteries – specifically an S-300V4 system.

The missile system neutralised both aircraft at extreme ranges of 217km, surpassing the 150km range kill previously recorded by a Russian S-400 system against a Ukrainian Su-27 over Kyiv in March, with this achieved despite the Su-27’s high maneuverability and impressive flight performance designed to allow it to effectively evade standoff missile attacks. The S-300V4 entered service in the early 2010s and integrates many of the same technologies as the older but better-known S-400. Considerably more expensive than the S-400, it is more maneuverable, has a shorter set-up time, and has better anti-cruise and anti-ballistic missile capabilities.

Russian S-300V4 air defense missile sets world record for longest interception

The system uses tracked vehicles rather than wheeled vehicles because of their intended role of escorting advancing infantry, and includes his 40N6, which has a range of 400 km and high hypersonic speeds in excess of Mach 14. You have access to an array of missiles. His second type of missile that may have caused the launch, he has an integrated 48N6DM, this missile has a range of 250 km and can also intercept hypersonic targets.

The fact that the Su-27 and Su-24 are reported to have flown at low altitude indicates that the 40N6 may have been used. This is because the missile has a completely unique ballistics and sensor suite that makes it particularly suitable for combating sightings at very low altitudes. Optimized for missiles on the horizon. Able to engage targets as low as 5 meters above the ground at a range of 400km, the 40N6 rises into space before dropping to impact, extending on-board radar coverage to over 250km and completely unparalleled performance provides.

Russian S-300V4 air defense missile sets world record for longest interception

The missile has twice the range of his Western competitor, is used by his S-400 units in both China and Russia, and is also compatible with the S-300V4. The new missile, which is integrated with the S-500 system, is not very good at fighting fighter jets, but it is reportedly better than that. The Su-27 shot down reflects Russia’s overwhelming superiority in anti-aircraft capabilities, the result of a dogfight early in the campaign between modern Russian fighters and his Su-27 in Ukraine. also reflected, where the units of the Russian army experienced several serious setbacks.


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