Cat 2 destiny. She was so furious five months ago that no one dared to look at her; now, five months later, she is a queen.

A woman named Nur Hamizah Had really loves animals. Recently, she found a tiny cat all alone. She noticed the kitten in her backyard and decided to save her life. Nur took care of the little cat, treated her, fed her and most important, loved her. Kitten looked sick and hungry but after 5 months, […]

The tiny kitten who sleeps like a human is named Chata.

All cat-lоvers knоw that if there is sоmething cats lоve mоre than anything, it’s sleeping.

Facing jail for breeding the “fattest” cat in the world

Russia- The owner of Lyznia, the "world's fattest" cat weighing up to 21 kg, is being threatened by the online community to denounce "animal abuse" for letting his pet grow too big.

Rescued Kitten with Serious Injuries Finds Love and Hope

“The story of Superman, a kitten who was rescued from a dangerous environment, is one that will tug at the heartstrings of animal lovers everywhere. The mother…

The Rescue Of The Cat Stuck In The Mud In The Rice Field

Best Inspiring Animal Rescue Of The Year – The rescue cat was stuck in the mud in a rice field

Beautiful Maine Coon: Kefir aka “The Gentle Giant”

Kefir is an enormous size cat from Russia, but he is one gentle, playful kitty.

Homeless Cat’S New Home And Friend

Meet this cute cat from Russia that had been living on the streets for years. He had a very tough life looking for food everywhere. “We found him near the entrance to our house,” the cat’s current humans told Bored Panda. “He looked like he was a home cat who didn’t know how to survive […]

Wild sand cats are back after a ten-year absence.

(Vietkings) A super rare cat that seems to be no longer in the wild was discovered in late 2015 and early 2016, but the story of the meeting between the above animal and scientists has only been published recently. This

‘Fluffy bangs’ on a funny chubby cat

The chubby, round body, along with the special black hair on the head, the fat cat attracts the attention and interest of many cat lovers.

Internet users are frequently praised for caring for overweight cats, but few people realize that doing so constitutes animal abuse.

Fat cats who look at them also feel they are so cute, looking at its sluggish appearance is really funny. But behind those smiles, few people know what they have to endure?