8 incredibly beautiful sea creatures

(TSVN) – In the ocean world, there are countless beautiful creatures that not all of us have the opportunity to see directly. In this article, let's join Vietnam Fisheries to see 8 beautiful marine species and discover more about them!

11 beautiful creatures on the Great Barrier Reef

(TSVN) – Located off the coast of Queensland, Australia, the Great Barrier Reef is home to 1,500 species of fish, 6 different species of sea turtles, 30 species of whales and dolphins, and 400 types of coral. Below are 11 beautiful creatures among the countless creatures that live here.

The Friendliest Jellyfish Species on the Planet

(TSVN) – Unlike other jellyfish that often emit strong venom, the fried egg jellyfish is almost harmless to humans and has a beautiful appearance, like an egg floating on the sea surface.

Starfish – beautiful, colorful creatures at the bottom of the ocean

(TSVN) – However, don't let this magical and colorful beauty fool you because they are the greediest predators in the ocean. And they often eat invertebrates like raw mussels and oysters.

Feast your eyes on super expensive ornamental fish

(TSVN) – Unique, beautiful, and rare, the 5 species of ornamental fish below have expensive prices that startle everyone.

Sea urchin – An animal that eats its own brain to grow

(TSVN) – Sea urchins appear throughout the oceans and often live attached to ship hulls or other objects such as rocks or coral. They are considered quite scary animals because they eat their own brains during development.

They Might Not Share Blood, but These Two Rescued Kittens Were Destined to Become Family

Two neonatal kittens began life by fighting just to survive. But it was even worse because they were each found alone and suffering. The baby boys had luck on their sides though, since at least they were found! Thankfully, some caring residents in Bradford, England didn’t leave the poor babies to perish. They each found […]

Why Were 18-Year-Old Cats, Rusty and Tigger, Returned to a Shelter Within 5 Hours?

Why would someone return two 18-year-old bonded cats only five hours after adopting them from a shelter? The idea of such a quick turnaround rightly shocked people, purrticularly for two adorable senior cats. But the story has a happy ending after the outrage fueled thousands of shares on social media. It reminds us of cats […]

Expressing Gratitude for Feline Friendship: Introducing the Golden Girls Kittens

When kitty foster mom Lori White, who lives in Indianapolis, took in a female ginger cat and her four kittens, who were also all ginger-colored she already knew the perfect names for all of them. Mama kitty earned the name Goldie, while her kittens became known as “The Golden Girls” — after the popular ’80s sitcom that introduced the world to […]

Veterinarians Create Playful Bandages to Aid in the Healing of Floofy Cat Fern’s Tail

A cat named Fern with an injured long fluffy tail wears the cutest and most crafty bandages while it heals. Maple and Fern are two rescued and adopted cats who live with veterinarians in Canada. When the inseparable sisters were five months old, they encountered Maple at work while she was there for treatment. Then, they adopted […]